Thursday, June 28, 2012

Week 3 Blog Post: Language

Part 1

I found the experiment difficult because I was having a complex conversation with my friend. She told me that she did not want to accept Facebook friend requests from her relatives, and I wanted to tell her that she should be closer to her relatives, so it was hard to me express my ideas and thoughts.
            My partner was very surprised and confused trying to understand my message. She altered her way of communication on paying more attention to my eyes and corporal expression
I would say that the culture with symbolic language can communicate complex ideas more easily because it can express ideas with big details, and the message would be clearer. The speaking culture might think that the culture that does not use symbolic language is less intelligent, and they will ignore them because they unable to make interesting arguments.
  The last semester I took math 60 with a deaf professor, and it was a great experience for me. The interpreter was always in the classroom, and sometimes it was confuse to communicate with the professor because one had to speak to the interpreter and look at the professor at same time.  I did not have big problems to understand the lectures because he always used power point presentation. My professor did not use spoken language, but through American Sign Language he use symbolic language.

Part 2

Honestly I was not able to communicate only with speech communication for the 15 minutes with no interruptions because I always use my hands, fingers and facial expression to emphasize my ideas in any conversation. After the third minute of the conversation, I noticed that I was making facial expression to make fun of my friend. This experiment was hard for me because I feel that my body language is an important part of my personality, and without it my sarcastic jokes would not be fun.

My friend seemed to be boring and not really interesting in the conversation. She got my ideas and understood what I said, but she did not feel my ideas and message.

I strongly believe that non-speech language plays an important role to communicate and interact with other people. Body language helps us to understand more clearly the personality, feelings, and ideas of others

            I would said that only selfish or really busy people do not pay enough attention to body language of others because when one is interesting in someone else, one pay attention on his/her facial expression and body movements.

I think that everyone can read body language, but sometime we do not pay attention to it. Read the body language of others is a great ability because we can understand their feelings. For example, if one day we see a friend and he said that everything is OK; we can look at his body language and know if he is telling the truth because there are some corporal expressions that show sadness and happiness. 

Part 3

I think that it would be easier to communicate my ideas with the written language and body language because my friend would understand my complex ideas by written language and know my intentions by my gestures

After read my textbook, I would say that cultures that have developed written language are very successful because written language allow cultures to transmit their knowledge and experience to the next generations.

Written language has a huge impact in globalization because it allows a culture share its ideas around the world. We can learn from another culture by reading a book or an online article. For example, many of friends on Mexico are passive bilinguals because they need to do research in American Websites


  1. You've brought up a lot of fascinating stories in here, like your experience with a deaf teacher that was so similar to this experiment. It's also very interesting that Spanish speakers learn some English to be able to read online articles. That really shows how dominant the English language is.

  2. Great addition to your Part A to bring in your experiences with a deaf professor. Interesting that he teaches math, which is a pretty concrete subject with little black and white. I wonder if it would be more difficult as a deaf instructor to teach a course that was more subjective, though if you think about it, I'm using similar techniques for this course, using the computer as my interpreter and the medium for instruction, and it is a very subjective subject. Something to consider...

    I like how you noted how difficult it was to communicate humor without body language. Think how hard it would be to play the "straight" man in a comedy pair without the facial and body expressions that go along with it.

    Can you think of a particular group that cannot read body language? There are a couple that come to mind...

    Other than this one point, good job.

    1. I think that every culture has its own body language expressions, and body language can be different for each culture. For example, I may not be able to read Chinese body language because it is different from own body language.

      or the right answer could be that blind people is one of the groups(or the only one) who can not read body language.

  3. Both are good responses. Thank you.
